A PSM archive project.
PSM Yaroze is the first serious, non-piracy oriented preservation effort for Playstation Mobile. Named after a similar indie developer service provided by Sony called Net Yaroze that allowed indie developers to share and create games for a specialized PS1, PSM Yaroze aims to save a piece of not only Sony history, but also indie developer history.
We aim to recover all the over 600 PSM titles and archive their files, along with providing as much information about these titles as possible.
PSM Yaroze is not dead! In fact, its more alive than ever.
The PSM Yaroze archival effort has now received, not only games, but also applications, too.
The application in question is a simple Japanese-only calculator called 加算器方式電卓 or Kasanki Houshiki Dentaku by MDP Software, or Matsudamper. Matsudamper is a Japanese developer who developed several applications for PSM, including their most successful QR Editor which they list as having over 700 downloads at the time of PSM closure.

But, behind each application and game is a developer who tries to make a difference.
Matsudumper started programming in their second year of Junior High School using a programming language called Hot Soup Processor (HSP) which seems to be a BASIC derived language used to teach programming in Japan. They chose it because it was popular in NicoNicoDouga (NND) videos (the Japanese equivalent of YouTube).
Fast forward to being a Freshperson in high school, they came across a video using C# on NND and was surprised how simple it was.
The following year, Matsudamper was fed up with the Twitter app on the Vita being “sh*t” and then remembered that the PSM beta (PlayStation Suite at this point) had just started a year earlier and was overjoyed to find you could use C#. The foundations were set: they had experience with programming due to HSP; they had an interest in C# and PSM; and they now had a mission to make a difference.
Wanting to make something more simple to start out, they made the app we have been graciously contributed, Kasanki Houshiki Dentaku. In making this application, and by extension PSM, they say they were able to learn how to create applications, read documentation and implement billing. They then went on to make several more applications until the closure of PSM including the improved Twitter app they originally set out to make and QR Code editor because they thought they could improve on the one currently available.
Matsudamper still makes applications, but instead for Android and Windows. But, they credit PSM to improving their programming skills and thought it could do the same for many others. They also demonstrates that sometimes corporations do not make the best product possible and it takes an indie developer to fill that gap.
PSM Yaroze also seeks to make a difference and with your contributions we can and already have. But, as time goes by these stories will be lost to time. We need your help to keep not only PSM alive, but the stories behind the indie developers who trusted Sony. So please, help spread this archival effort around.
We have more to cover, so stick around.
Most of the information here cited from this blog post.
After just over two weeks of PSM Yaroze project contacting former PSM developers and users for help, we are seeing results!
@CanadianReset, the indie developer behind the PSM title NekoRush, has agreed to provide a depersonalized key for the previously mentioned game. We were able to walk them through the process and after some hiccups we saved another game for history.
Not only that, they have permitted us to distribute a DRM free copy of the game! We hope that many more developers will follow suit!
Why PSM was important:
@CanadianReset is the type of indie developer that PSM was geared towards. Thanks to PSM, they where able to release their first commercial game after almost a year of hard work writing an engine from scratch, called rushlib, and pestering their family to make graphics for them. They were able to learn about the release process and follow their childhood dream of releasing on a major handheld console. We are honoured to help perserve and now distribute their game.
We can’t overstate our gratitude for @CanadianReset for contributing and bearing with us through the whole process. Please check them out, their story is extremely inspiring and check out NekoRush:

@CanadianReset proudly showing NekoRush in the Playstation Store before it was removed forever. It's also worth noting that 2 of the labeled games in this screenshot are also lost media.
We would like to strongly reiterate that the developer of this game has permitted us to distribute a DRM-Free copy of this game. We do not support piracy and we do not usually provide links for download. We respect developers and will follow their wishes.
On behalf of the PSM Yaroze Archival Team, thanks @CanadianReset!
There are many more developers and users like @CanadianReset out there that do not know that they can save history with PSM Yaroze. Their Vitas maybe be in a drawer or their memory card on their last legs. Please help us find and contact them.
There is now one more game perserved. All it takes is one person, one message, and one game to make a difference.
Please continue to support us and preserve history!
PSM Yaroze has received over 90 submissions within its first 24 hours of being public! I would like to humbly thank everyone who contributed! While this may seem like huge amount, there is tons of work to do still.
Only 1 of those over 90 submissions was a game not previously preserved before.
The game in question Japanese version of Fragment’s Note. As seen here:

But I would like to emphasize that together, we saved one more game from being lost to time.
This is a step in the right direction and I, again, would like to thank everyone who is contributing. Please continue help spread this far and wide so we can save history together!
Noticing that no serious effort has been taken to preserve PSM titles, Eli Crystal launches the first real archival project for PSM called PSM Yaroze. With that, they also set out to create an app and succeeded in creating the fastest method of backing up PSM depersonalized keys. The app is called CrystalArchiver and can even automatically contribute to PSM Yaroze.
You can download CrystalArchiver and its source code from GitHub here:
After many hours of reverse engineering and learning how to program for the Vita, Eli Crystal creates their first homebrew: CrystalPSM. CrystalPSM is now the fastest and sleekest method of downloading and installing the PSM Runtime package. This PSM Runtime package can be used to play the latest ports and, of course, PSM!
You can download CrystalPSM and its source code from GitHub here:
Who is PSM Yaroze?

Eli Crystal
(Non-Binary, She/They)
Founding Member of PSM Yaroze Archival Team
A new Vita homebrew developer and Reverse engineer. Recently converted PSM Enthusiast.
Playstation Mobile? What.
Playstation Mobile (PSM) is little known service from Sony that allowed indie developers to create and publish games or apps on Playstation Network for free. Using a free to download SDK, you could target Sony platforms such as Vita and any Playstation certified devices like Xperia phones at the time. For many developers, this was an attractive proposition since the only other avenue would to become an official developer with much stringent requirements. It was a service that benefited everyone. Sony got games to go on their hardware. Indie developers got to make games for a Sony Console. Consumers got a constant stream new and cheap games to play on their Sony Console.
However, Sony decided this wasn’t enough and close down this service in 2015. The storefront closed in July of that year. Games and apps bought on this service would be inaccessible if not downloaded though the Playstation store before September 10 of that year. This not only hurt small indie developers, but also customers, too. Because this is a digital-only service, a total of over 600 apps and games would be simply unplayable to new customers and even existing customers who had missed this download date.
Even if the game files are copied to another system, Sony’s DRM requires the console to be PSM activated along with each game to be activated with a server which is part of the service now shutdown.
PSM serves as a worst case scenario of what online DRM can do software you supposedly own.
However, the environment that allowed indie developers to thrive soon became a huge disadvantage. PSM games have been labeled a shovelware, and this stigma has caused no serious effort of archival has been undertaken. The strict DRM of PSM titles had quickly placed over 400 titles in lost media, that no one can play if they had missed the previous dates. Not only that, this digital-only content is restricted to console it was downloaded on, and cannot be moved once that console is no longer functioning.
These games which may be your favorite indie dev’s first work and things consumers payed money for may be lost to history just because Sony deemed it unprofitable and flipped a switch. This is an injustice and is happening to more and more services such as the Wii Shop Channel, PSP store, and soon even the Vita itself.
But you can help.
Let’s do this. Together.

Wikipedia defines “Yaroze”, in “Net Yaroze”, as “Let’s do this together”.
We can only accomplish this together. So how does it work?
As stated before, if you downloaded a PSM game before September 10, 2015, you are able to play your game for now. We cannot assume this is forever due to the content being digital-only and tied to one device. However, previous developers have found that your device contains a personalized key which allows the files of these downloaded titles to be decrypted. Decrypted means that the game is no longer tied to any one console effectively making files DRM-free. By depersonalizing this key, as in stripping the key of the personal information that ties it to a single device, this key can be given to PSM Yaroze to create a DRM free copy to preserve within the PSM Yaroze Archival Team. It can also be used for personal backups on any device, even a Windows PC for some games.
This is our plan of attack.
Sounds complicated? It’s not.
Eli Crystal, the founder of this project, has developed an application to automatically depersonalize and contribute these precious depersonalized keys to PSM Yaroze if wanted to by the user and is connected to a network. This application is called Crystal Archiver, a is a new method created for this project. This is contrary to the old method which required you to open every game! Crazy!
No personal information will be collected, in fact if personalized information was collected, the decryption process would not work.
Each depersonalized key is less than a kilobyte of data and when CrystalArchiver is ran it will complete in less that minute depending on variables such as if you want to contribute, network speed and how many PSM titles you have. These keys will always been backed up to your device

However, this requires a Vita that can run unsigned code, because this project has no affiliation with Sony. If you’re Vita can run unsigned code (such as with Henkaku) and you have PSM titles, you can just download the VPK and run it within minutes!
We are putting Together a team.

Eli Crystal (Non-Binary, She/They) is a developer who recently fell in love with the idea of PSM and how it catered to developers like themselves. They are now dedicated to preserving this moment of time where Sony decided to care about the little person. They even developed the fastest PSM Runtime installer for the Vita because of this new found passion.
And you. We need your help. We can only do this together, there is no use hoarding software on devices that can break down. Sony memory cards are infamous for breaking. Once these cards or devices break, these PSM titles will be lost forever. Even if you don’t have PSM titles or even a Vita, you can help spread the word. Let people know about PSM Yaroze and you to can help save history

Contributing. Together.

Through any step of the process, you can pop a question on our Discord:
Step 1
There are many ways to contribute to the PSM Yaroze project. However, contributing a PSM title to PSM Yaroze, requires... Well... PSM titles to contribute. Remember, no machine can exist for ever. There is no use keeping PSM titles on a machine that may break and cause a loss of history. Doing this helps no one. This section is dedicated to giving the ability of moving and reading encrypted PSM files and perserving history with the PSM Yaroze project, by generating and contributing depersonalized keys. These depersonalized keys will allow you to make backups onto not only other Vitas or Sony products, but other external devices. You can even play some titles on a Windows PC. This guide will only cover generating and contributing these depersonalized keys.
Please contact us for Android devices that are Playstation Certified.
If you do not have a Vita with PSM titles, please skip to Step 6.
Step 2
Your device must run elevated unsigned code, this is needed in order to run the application and call the required internal PSM DRM functions. Unsigned code, is homebrew, or software not intended to run by the manufacturer. Because our software, or homebrew, is not released by Sony, you must enable the running of homebrew (commonly known as Jailbreaking). There is currently Homebrew Enabler (HEN) called Henkaku that allows just this.
This process is entirely safe, legal, and reversible. Reversible means the HEN stays in memory only for the session it was launched, its effects can be removed with a simple reboot. All Apps that are installed by our archive process can be removed as any normal application. There is no "Safe firmware version or hardware revisions", "NAND backups", or e-fuses that will burn of any kind. During this whole archival process, we only ask you to run "Open Source Software" on your Vita. This means the source code of each library or application executed that is not made by Sony can be read or audited by anyone, including yourself. At no point of this process is personal information stolen by any party. The only information that will be collected by PSM Yaroze is depersonalized keys, which cannot be traced back to you.
Just make sure your Vita is plugged in when doing the install process as you do with any other device.
Please be aware that there are guides that may complicate the process and install unnecessary software that may have undesired effects.
We encourage asking us for help if you do not fit or understand this requirement.
Step 3
Grab the CrystalArchiver at its release page, transfer it to your Vita using your preferred method. This will most likely be with VitaShell, a file manager installed with Henkaku, by USB mode or wireless transfer using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). CrystalArchiver is installed using a Vita Package (.VPK), a format created to install homebrew on a Henkaku.
You can download CrystalArchiver and its source code from GitHub here:
Step 4
Use VitaShell to install the VPK by navigating to the location you had transferred it to and clicking it. You will get a prompt to install. Install it.
Please be aware this application requires running in elevated permissions, which requires Henkaku to run in Unsafe mode. This is required in order to use the PSM DRM functions that can’t normally be accessed with the lower default permissions options enabled by Henkaku's settings. The functions called by CrystalArchiver are used by the PSM application in normal runtime to handle DRM, or else the PSM title would not boot. CrystalArchiver works by pretending to be the main PSM application and using its permissions to execute such functions that would normally make each file readable by the Vita. The source code, the code that will be executed on your device, is available to freely available to read on the GitHub to check for its safety. You can re-enable Safe Mode after the process is completed.
Step 5

When first opening the CrystalArchiver, it will display a prompt asking if you wish to contribute to PSM Yaroze's efforts. Selecting Ok will auto upload the depersonalized key for each PSM title that is found. If you do not wish to do this or do not have a network connection in order to do so, you may hit Cancel. But please consider submitting the depersonalized keys manually to PSM Yaroze by contacting an Archival Team member. A backup will be made to the location “ux0:/data/psm” regardless of your choice to contribute or not. These depersonalized keys are stored in a format called “FAKE.RIF”, which can be used by a plugin called NoPSMDRM to launch the PSM titles provided you have the files to do so.
If you accept to upload automatically or submit manually, no personalized information will be collected. The files collected will not be distributed to anyone outside of PSM Yaroze’s Archival Team. These depersonalized keys will only be used to preserve PSM titles within the PSM Yaroze Archival Team.
Please read our stance on piracy:
Step 6
You’re done. It was that easy! We hope...

Now we still need your help. As time passes by, these PSM titles will be harder to come by. Spreading the word is almost as important as contributing a depersonalized key.
So we humbly ask you to share this and save history.
Where's my booty? Argh!
PSM Yaroze is an archival effort, and like many similar preservation efforts and keeping with the indie spirit, we do not support piracy of these PSM titles. You will not find download links to the PSM titles here. Our goal is preservation of these titles and history. Many of the titles have been re-released or remastered on other platforms and we do not wish to hurt indie developers. We encourage people to instead look for a re-release of a title and supporting the developer that way. If this is not possible, we will do our best to provide as much information about the title through screenshots, articles, footage, and other permitted methods.
Kowalski, status report!
Status Overview
205 / 672
This is a full list of all known PSM titles and the status of their preservation within the PSM Yaroze project.
Title | Title ID | Region | Status |
1 Chicken 2 Bullets | NPNA00210 | US | NOT FOUND |
16bit Trader | NPPA00116 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
25 Invisible Mazes | NPNA00262 | US | NOT FOUND |
2chSharp | NPPA00104 | JP | NOT FOUND |
3D Checkers for PlayStation®Mobile | NPNA00273 | US | NOT FOUND |
3D gems | NPOA00182 | EU | NOT FOUND |
3D Reversi for PlayStation®Mobile | NPNA00236 | US | NOT FOUND |
3D Zombie survival | NPPA00257 | JP | NOT FOUND |
4fun | NPNA00282 | US | NOT FOUND |
4PhotoTweet | NPPA00289 | JP | NOT FOUND |
A Bad Opera-tunity | NPOA00172 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
A Healer Only Lives Twice | NPPA00272 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
About Turn | NPOA00254 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Adventure Bar Labyrinth | NPPA00143 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Adventures of Albanus | NPNA00258 | US | NOT FOUND |
agRAVe KEY MIND C demopura | NPPA00238 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Agus Adventure | NPOA00190 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Ahhh! Asteroids | NPOA00243 | EU | NOT FOUND |
AikCommando | NPNA00129 | US | NOT FOUND |
AikTheBarbarian | NPNA00127 | US | NOT FOUND |
Air HockeyZ: Zoo of Madness | NPOA00273 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Alien (Augmented reality) | NPPA00165 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Alien Breed | NPOA00022 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Alien Domination | NPNA00136 | US | NOT FOUND |
Alien Walk | NPOA00154 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
AlienMission | NPNA00131 | US | NOT FOUND |
Alligator Of The Caribbean | NPNA00135 | US | NOT FOUND |
Alphabet Island | NPNA00180 | US | NOT FOUND |
Ambition of the Slimes | NPPA00230 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Among The Stars | NPNA00288 | US | NOT FOUND |
AnimalCrush | NPNA00130 | US | NOT FOUND |
Animals: Cross the line | NPOA00236 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Antguy - ant route puzzler! - | NPPA00313 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Ape Of Steel | NPNA00268 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Apocalypse Defense | NPNA00112 | US | NOT FOUND |
Apocalypse Revelations | NPNA00132 | US | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives AlphaNuts CrimsonBlue | NPPA00303 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives AlphaNuts Deserter's2DX | NPPA00282 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives AlphaNuts Takusuku FRESH! | NPPA00301 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives Boosim Lab Mini Game Pack | NPPA00325 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives Boosim Lab Minnano Yabo Neo | NPPA00307 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives extreme Pairon Mobile 1 | NPPA00253 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives extreme Pairon Mobile 2 | NPPA00265 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives extreme Pairon Mobile 3 | NPPA00270 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives extreme Pairon Mobile 4 | NPPA00296 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives extreme Pairon Mobile 5 | NPPA00304 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives extreme Pairon Mobile 6 | NPPA00316 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives extreme Pairon Mobile 7 | NPPA00330 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives G-mode BurgerTime | NPPA00260 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Appli Archives G-mode Karate Spirits | NPPA00297 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives IDAC Escape Game Pack 1 | NPPA00234 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives IDAC Escape Game Pack 2 | NPPA00237 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives IDAC Escape Game Pack 3 | NPPA00246 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives IDAC Escape Game Pack 4 | NPPA00251 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives IDAC Escape Game Pack 5 | NPPA00273 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives IDAC Escape Game Pack 6 | NPPA00298 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives IDAC Escape Game Pack 7 | NPPA00309 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives IDAC Escape Game Pack 8 | NPPA00322 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives JALECO City Connection | NPPA00226 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives JALECO Formation Z & Bases Loaded | NPPA00286 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives JALECO Momoko 1200% | NPPA00231 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Crossword | NPPA00243 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Crossword 2 | NPPA00300 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Crossword 3 | NPPA00310 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Slitherlink | NPPA00227 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Slitherlink 2 | NPPA00306 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Slitherlink 3 | NPPA00311 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Slitherlink 4 | NPPA00318 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Slitherlink 5 | NPPA00324 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Slitherlink 6 | NPPA00331 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Slitherlink 7 | NPPA00340 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives NIKOLI Slitherlink 8 | NPPA00343 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives Nippon Ichi Software Duologue | NPPA00225 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Appli Archives Nippon Ichi Software Mini Game Pack 1 | NPPA00233 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Appli Archives Nippon Ichi Software Mini Game Pack 2 | NPPA00302 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.1 | NPPA00248 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.10 | NPPA00341 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.11 | NPPA00344 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.2 | NPPA00299 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.3 | NPPA00305 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.4 | NPPA00312 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.5 | NPPA00317 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.6 | NPPA00315 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.7 | NPPA00323 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.8 | NPPA00332 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Appli Archives TEAM RISE Vol.9 | NPPA00333 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Aqua Kitty - Milk Mine Defender | NPOA00012 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Aqualibrium | NPOA00282 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
aramakiScope | NPPA00137 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Archery by Thornbury Software | NPNA00287 | US | NOT FOUND |
Arctic Adventures: Brain Freeze | NPOA00023 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Arithmetic Puzzle | NPPA00220 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Ascent of Kings | NPNA00117 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Athenian Warrior | NPNA00133 | US | NOT FOUND |
Atlas | NPOA00216 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Attack Of The Black Widow | NPNA00134 | US | NOT FOUND |
Attack Of The Mutants | NPNA00122 | US | NOT FOUND |
Balancegame | NPPA00156 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Ball 8 | NPNA00195 | US | NOT FOUND |
Ball Bearing Racer | NPOA00201 | EU | NOT FOUND |
BallFlip | NPOA00176 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Bat King | NPNA00283 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Battle of Puppets | NPOA00144 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Beats Slider | NPOA00009 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Beats Trellis | NPOA00005 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Beauty Weather | NPNA00203 | US | NOT FOUND |
Behind You | NPPA00196 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Blinkin Blobs | NPOA00124 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Block Boy Brick | NPNA00271 | US | NOT FOUND |
Block Break | NPPA00211 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Bloodred Wyvern | NPPA00162 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Bloodred Wyvern 2 | NPPA00202 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Blue Beacon | NPNA00166 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Blue Reflection mobile | NPPA00338 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Blue Skies | NPNA00104 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Blue Track | NPNA00163 | US | NOT FOUND |
Bomb Drop | NPNA00242 | US | NOT FOUND |
Bomber Farm 3D | NPOA00183 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Boot Hill Heroes Part One | NPNA00156 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Breaker Stones | NPPA00249 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Breakout | NPNA00192 | US | NOT FOUND |
brg | NPOA00111 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Brickout | NPNA00265 | US | NOT FOUND |
Buba | NPOA00143 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Bullion Blitz™ | NPOA00024 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Buzz Words | NPOA00202 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Calculator | NPPA00133 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Candy | NPNA00255 | US | NOT FOUND |
Candy, Please! | NPNA00213 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Cannon Shot | NPPA00201 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Cardboard Castle | NPOA00122 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
CardBoard Cat EP | NPPA00219 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Cards | NPNA00200 | US | NOT FOUND |
Castle Invasion | NPOA00106 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
cat sing smile town | NPPA00164 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Catch Up TV Film Guide | NPOA00248 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Cave of the Golden Skulls | NPOA00238 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Cave Squid | NPOA00239 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Chicken!Chicken! | NPOA00164 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Chiebura | NPPA00127 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Chimp Challenge | NPNA00253 | US | NOT FOUND |
Chimpact | NPOA00033 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Chopper Diver | NPNA00241 | US | NOT FOUND |
Chromatic Aberration | NPNA00144 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Cloud Disk | NPNA00169 | US | NOT FOUND |
CollectOrb | NPOA00266 | EU | NOT FOUND |
ComicStation | NPNA00149 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Console Saga | NPOA00157 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Continuous shooting | NPPA00274 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Corridor Monster Onslaught | NPOA00270 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Cosmic Clean-Up | NPOA00029 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Crash Planets | NPPA00102 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Creatures & Castles VX | NPNA00150 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Crossfire | NPNA00211 | US | NOT FOUND |
Crystal Ice | NPOA00141 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Cube Dasher | NPOA00245 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Cube Runner | NPOA00277 | EU | NOT FOUND |
CubexCube | NPPA00224 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Cubixx | NPOA00014 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Currency Converter | NPOA00165 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Curse of the Crescent Isle DX | NPNA00276 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Cytus Lambda | NPQA00103 | ASIA | CONTRIBUTED |
Dark Quest | NPOA00135 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Daryl | NPOA00223 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Dead End Valentine | NPPA00105 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Delta Strike : First Assault | NPNA00217 | US | NOT FOUND |
DEM.S-Blue Partisan- | NPPA00281 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Digital Guess | NPOA00162 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Discovery | NPOA00284 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Disillusions Manga Horror | NPOA00203 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Dodgecube | NPNA00199 | US | NOT FOUND |
Dogs of Combat | NPNA00256 | US | NOT FOUND |
Don't Die Dateless, Dummy! | NPNA00158 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
dong | NPNA00170 | US | NOT FOUND |
Dot Maker | NPPA00262 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Down in the Valley | NPNA00204 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Dr. Wiggly | NPNA00137 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Dragon Air | NPNA00275 | US | NOT FOUND |
Dream Note | NPNA00165 | US | NOT FOUND |
Drop Baby | NPNA00193 | US | NOT FOUND |
Drops x Colors x Freeze | NPNA00269 | US | NOT FOUND |
DuelistCalculator | NPPA00136 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Dungeon Bandit | NPNA00105 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Dynamic visual acuity test | NPPA00140 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Dynamite Dude | NPNA00284 | US | NOT FOUND |
Earth Assault | NPNA00140 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Easy Bus Simulator | NPPA00336 | JP | NOT FOUND |
EcoFish | NPOA00027 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Edge Escape | NPOA00251 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Ega | NPOA00222 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Ele-Mental | NPOA00235 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Eleconnect | NPPA00292 | JP | NOT FOUND |
ElementEnsemble BattleExam | NPPA00189 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Emil's Task | NPPA00267 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Energy Skate | NPOA00218 | EU | NOT FOUND |
EP Alien Attack! | NPOA00275 | EU | NOT FOUND |
EP Chain Reaction | NPOA00205 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
EP Gem Hunter | NPOA00199 | EU | NOT FOUND |
EP Search and Find | NPOA00283 | EU | NOT FOUND |
EP Sokoban Catzzles | NPOA00240 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Escape | NPNA00155 | US | NOT FOUND |
Escape from Hell | NPNA00189 | US | NOT FOUND |
Escape hero | NPPA00263 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Eternibeat | NPNA00226 | US | NOT FOUND |
Eufloria Adventures | NPOA00170 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Everybody's Arcade | NPPA00010 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Everybody's Arcade | NPPA00001 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Fanny Pixel Paint | NPOA00221 | EU | NOT FOUND |
FarmFury! | NPPA00170 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Farming USA | NPNA00185 | US | NOT FOUND |
Fat Dragons | NPNA00178 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Fatty Bird | NPOA00200 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Feed Me Oil | NPNA00120 | US | NOT FOUND |
Feed Me Oil (International) | NPOA00129 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Figure | NPPA00229 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Firewall Defender | NPNA00291 | US | NOT FOUND |
fishFishFISH | NPPA00144 | JP | NOT FOUND |
FL Scientific Calculator | NPPA00172 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Flabby Sven | NPOA00259 | EU | NOT FOUND |
FlapperPrincess | NPPA00103 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Flappig 3D | NPOA00185 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Flappy 2048 | NPNA00230 | US | NOT FOUND |
Flappy Birds | NPOA00278 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Flappy Retro | NPOA00227 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Fleet connection | NPPA00168 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Flem | NPOA00234 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Flick Hockey | NPOA00002 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Flight of the Turtle | NPNA00114 | US | NOT FOUND |
Flight World Simulator | NPOA00197 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Floribund | NPOA00125 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Fly Speed | NPNA00197 | US | NOT FOUND |
FolkHarpKenji | NPPA00345 | JP | NOT FOUND |
FoLu | NPOA00174 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Forevolution | NPPA00019 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Fractopia | NPNA00139 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Fragment's Note | NPPA00118 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Fragment's Note (ENG) | NPPA00261 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Fragment's Note -After Stories- | NPPA00218 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Fragment's Note Memories | NPPA00222 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Fragment's Note2 Side:雪月 | NPPA00190 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Fragment's Note2 Side:雫 | NPPA00155 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Frederic - Resurrection of Music | NPPA00016 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Frisky Derby Online | NPOA00214 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Frog Ninja | NPOA00173 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Front Wars : World War II Turn-Based Strategy Game | NPNA00228 | US | NOT FOUND |
Fruit Duels | NPOA00281 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Fruit Space | NPNA00198 | US | NOT FOUND |
Fuel Tiracas | NPOA00008 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Future Flying Simulator | NPNA00218 | US | NOT FOUND |
Galactic Junk | NPNA00220 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Galactic Labor Union | NPNA00161 | US | NOT FOUND |
Gorillas 3D | NPOA00263 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Grand Sun R.Y.E.Z | NPNA00148 | US | NOT FOUND |
GraviBots | NPNA00214 | US | NOT FOUND |
GraviBots Demo | NPNA00250 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Gravity Anomaly Zone | NPPA00269 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Gravity Cube | NPNA00183 | US | NOT FOUND |
Grid Survivor | NPNA00286 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Gun Commando | NPOA00032 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Gunhouse | NPNA00147 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Hallowed Sky | NPOA00206 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Hamster Crane | NPPA00255 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Happy | NPNA00187 | US | NOT FOUND |
Haunt the House: Terrortown | NPOA00031 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Heavy Truck Speed Racing | NPOA00208 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Helicopter | NPOA00158 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Hermit Crab In Space | NPNA00121 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Hero or Healer? | NPPA00239 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Hide 'n' Zebra! | NPNA00190 | US | NOT FOUND |
Highway Of Death | NPOA00180 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Hill Cliff Horse | NPOA00175 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Hills of Glory: WWII | NPOA00134 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Hockey Shootout 2015 | NPNA00251 | US | NOT FOUND |
Hosiwo Kasaneru Mahou | NPPA00339 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Hot Dog Planet | NPOA00211 | EU | NOT FOUND |
HoverDrive | NPOA00225 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Hungry Giraffe | NPOA00010 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Hungry Snake | NPOA00252 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Hyper Reminder | NPPA00128 | JP | NOT FOUND |
iBomber Defense | NPNA00125 | US | NOT FOUND |
iBomber Defense (International) | NPOA00131 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
iFishing | NPNA00103 | US | NOT FOUND |
iFishing Saltwater | NPNA00113 | US | NOT FOUND |
incurvio | NPPA00015 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Inflatable Maths | NPOA00196 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Insects - The Alien Invasion | NPOA00241 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Instant Dungeon! | NPNA00174 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Instant memory test | NPPA00149 | JP | NOT FOUND |
IronTowerDefense | NPOA00188 | EU | NOT FOUND |
IVE | NPOA00269 | EU | NOT FOUND |
JAC's Bowling | NPNA00205 | US | NOT FOUND |
Jaggy Race! | NPOA00193 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Jail Break | NPOA00123 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Jewel Crush | NPOA00261 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Journey of the Wind | NPNA00239 | US | NOT FOUND |
Joy Rider | NPNA00278 | US | NOT FOUND |
Jump Girl | NPOA00155 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Jumpikus | NPOA00257 | EU | NOT FOUND |
K-POP ni koi shite | NPPA00111 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Kagenin | NPPA00294 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Kaleidoscope Camera | NPPA00217 | JP | NOT FOUND |
KI Scientific Toolbox | NPOA00171 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Kick it! - soccer | NPOA00142 | EU | NOT FOUND |
King Bean | NPOA00121 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
King James Version Bible | NPNA00247 | US | NOT FOUND |
Kingdom Three Musketeers | NPPA00171 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Kingdom Three Musketeers Music Library | NPPA00174 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Kyutain | NPPA00320 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
La charte : Protect the whale | NPOA00186 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Laser Puzzle | NPOA00256 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Lead Robits | NPPA00291 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Lemmings | NPOA00025 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Life Born | NPPA00308 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Life of Pixel | NPOA00030 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Light Blogging | NPNA00172 | US | NOT FOUND |
Little Acorns | NPNA00126 | US | NOT FOUND |
Little Acorns (International) | NPOA00133 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
LiveStreamingTweet | NPPA00319 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Loot The Land | NPNA00001 | US | NOT FOUND |
Lucilla in the Dark | NPOA00191 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Luminis | NPNA00109 | US | NOT FOUND |
Magic Arrows | NPPA00008 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Magic Planet Snack Deluxe | NPNA00128 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
MahJah | NPOA00217 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Mahjong Mahjong | NPNA00154 | US | NOT FOUND |
Maison Kanraku | NPOA00255 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Man!Adhere 20s | NPOA00163 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
MapCache Offline Maps | NPNA00116 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Marry The Princess | NPOA00242 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Massive Cleavage vs Zombies | NPNA00264 | US | NOT FOUND |
Match | NPNA00261 | US | NOT FOUND |
Math Running | NPOA00120 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Math Swatter | NPNA00244 | US | NOT FOUND |
MathTest | NPOA00149 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Maze in Space | NPOA00264 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Mazing | NPPA00288 | JP | NOT FOUND |
MechHit | NPQA00105 | ASIA | CONTRIBUTED |
Mega Tap Tap | NPOA00228 | EU | NOT FOUND |
MegaBlast | NPOA00119 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Meltdown Moon | NPOA00103 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Merican Mail | NPPA00006 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Merry Christmas Lady Santa | NPPA00329 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Merum | NPPA00120 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Microbe Chain | NPNA00227 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Miko Gakkou Monogatari: Kaede Episode | NPPA00327 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Miko gakkou monogatari: Sanae episode | NPPA00134 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Miko Gakkou: Second Year | NPPA00158 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Million Shells -The First Encount- | NPPA00342 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Miners Of the Sky: Battlefront | NPOA00244 | EU | NOT FOUND |
MineSweeper | NPPA00125 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Mini Golf Mundo | NPNA00243 | US | NOT FOUND |
MizuIs! | NPPA00290 | JP | NOT FOUND |
MononokeSlashdown | NPQA00104 | ASIA | CONTRIBUTED |
Monster Hotel | NPOA00136 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Monster Kombat | NPOA00246 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Monster Pilgrimage | NPPA00214 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Moonlight Night Squ-Mu 2nd | NPPA00142 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Mouse Bounce | NPOA00207 | EU | NOT FOUND |
MTG: LifeKeeper | NPNA00167 | US | NOT FOUND |
Mugogy Jump | NPNA00194 | US | NOT FOUND |
Multi Counter | NPPA00115 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Munchy Girl Mogumi’s Easy Diet | NPPA00113 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Mussoumano Saving Latifas | NPNA00252 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Mute Camera | NPPA00275 | JP | NOT FOUND |
MyFlappy | NPOA00229 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Neck Strike | NPPA00194 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
nekomimimusumega sekainohatemade sanmawotabeniikuno DADADA | NPPA00110 | JP | NOT FOUND |
NekoRush | NPNA00152 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
News Feed | NPOA00167 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Night Climb | NPNA00181 | US | NOT FOUND |
Night Riders, 3D Arcade Racing | NPOA00138 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Ninja Insect (Augmented reality Game) | NPPA00166 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
NotepadDX | NPPA00169 | JP | NOT FOUND |
NowWeAttack | NPOA00215 | EU | NOT FOUND |
number | NPPA00326 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Nunnageddon | NPOA00114 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Nyoqix | NPPA00005 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Ocean Craft Multiplayer | NPOA00198 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Oh no! Zombies alive | NPOA00258 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Oh, Deer! Alpha | NPNA00289 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
OMG-Zombies! | NPOA00011 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
On Call | NPOA00184 | EU | NOT FOUND |
One Image Viewer | NPPA00205 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Orc Slayer Portable | NPOA00233 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Origami Kami | NPNA00164 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Painter | NPPA00284 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Palomino | NPOA00213 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Panda Panic | NPNA00157 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Paneuropa | NPOA00231 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Panic! | NPOA00021 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Paper Boss | NPQA00106 | ASIA | NOT FOUND |
Paperwork | NPNA00216 | US | NOT FOUND |
Passing Time | NPOA00118 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Pathetic Cube | NPOA00224 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Penguin Party | NPOA00112 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Photo Edit | NPPA00254 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Picbox | NPOA00127 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Pinky Spots Leg Massage | NPPA00007 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Pirates vs. Monsters | NPOA00274 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Pixel Artist | NPPA00337 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Pixel Colors | NPOA00150 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Pixel Poops | NPNA00279 | US | NOT FOUND |
Pocket Farm | NPNA00107 | US | NOT FOUND |
PocketDefense | NPPA00193 | JP | NOT FOUND |
PocketDefense2 | NPPA00328 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Pojong | NPOA00220 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Pong Breaker | NPOA00195 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Pop Bugs Zap | NPNA00176 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Popopo Garden | NPPA00106 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Primary Laser | NPPA00223 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Primary Laser 2 | NPPA00283 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Princess Revolution | NPNA00160 | US | NOT FOUND |
Project: Stealth | NPOA00265 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Projekt X | NPNA00234 | US | NOT FOUND |
Promise of two destination SquareMusicPuzzle 3rd | NPPA00159 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Pulling USA | NPNA00237 | US | NOT FOUND |
PurineBlock | NPPA00203 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Pushups training | NPOA00160 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Puzziball™ | NPOA00026 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
PuzzleMix | NPPA00235 | JP | NOT FOUND |
QChat | NPNA00168 | US | NOT FOUND |
QR Editor | NPPA00268 | JP | NOT FOUND |
QRCode Assistant | NPOA00168 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Quiet Christmas | NPNA00143 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Quiet, Please! | NPNA00106 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
QuizQuizQuiz | NPPA00017 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Racing Line | NPOA00249 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Radiant Flux | NPOA00102 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Raina | NPPA00184 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Rainboxplosion | NPOA00194 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Raptor - RPG | NPOA00187 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Re:marriage | NPPA00161 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Rebel | NPOA00007 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Records of the Three Kingdoms Mahjong Puzzle | NPPA00177 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Reflect It | NPNA00162 | US | NOT FOUND |
Reflection speed game | NPPA00152 | JP | NOT FOUND |
RetroBall | NPOA00272 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Reversi Multiboard | NPOA00116 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Road Skill | NPOA00178 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Robot-Escaper | NPOA00204 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Rock Boshers DX | NPOA00017 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Rocking RODY | NPPA00179 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Rodem the Wild | NPPA00191 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Rodem the Wild. | NPPA00197 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Rodem the Wild.. | NPPA00198 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Role Playing Tetris | NPNA00184 | US | NOT FOUND |
Roll In The Hole | NPNA00123 | US | NOT FOUND |
Roll In The Hole (International) | NPOA00130 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Rolling Ball Games | NPPA00271 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Run and Dodge Football | NPNA00263 | US | NOT FOUND |
Run Run and Die | NPOA00268 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Runner | NPNA00119 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
RushCat | NPQA00102 | ASIA | CONTRIBUTED |
rymdkapsel | NPNA00111 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Saicoro-puzzle*KURA:ssic | NPPA00121 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Sakura Flow | NPOA00177 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Samurai Beatdown | NPOA00001 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Santa's Salvation | NPOA00212 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Saviour Sammie | NPOA00285 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Scientific Electronic Calculator | NPPA00147 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Sea Run | NPOA00126 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Seeker | NPNA00118 | US | NOT FOUND |
Selfish Angel said, Save the World | NPPA00287 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Seraphim | NPNA00182 | US | NOT FOUND |
Setp Seq | NPPA00247 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Shadow Ninja Rush | NPOA00247 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Sheep in Hell | NPOA00210 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Shiro-kuro hakkiri tsukeru kuma | NPPA00009 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Shooter Speed | NPNA00196 | US | NOT FOUND |
Shooting Range by Thornbury Software | NPNA00290 | US | NOT FOUND |
Shovel Shuffle | NPOA00159 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Shuttle Quest 2000 | NPOA00132 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Silver Zombie | NPOA00181 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Simple Dice Roller | NPNA00207 | US | NOT FOUND |
Simple Pong | NPOA00209 | EU | NOT FOUND |
SimpleCalcurator | NPPA00240 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Sit-up training | NPOA00169 | EU | NOT FOUND |
sixty second shooter Deluxe | NPOA00018 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Slow-mo dodgers | NPOA00192 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Snake | NPOA00110 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Snow Material | NPPA00256 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Snow Noise 2ch | NPPA00109 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Soccerstar | NPOA00253 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Sola Calendar | NPOA00148 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Sola Chatroom | NPOA00152 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Sola Disk | NPOA00146 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Sola Gallery | NPOA00156 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Sola Note | NPOA00139 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Sola Radio | NPOA00113 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Sola Timer | NPOA00147 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Sola Weather | NPOA00140 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
SolaCalculator | NPOA00145 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain I - Village | NPNA00202 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain III - Snow | NPNA00208 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain IV - Storm | NPNA00221 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain IX - Forest | NPNA00231 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain V - Tech | NPNA00222 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain VI - Desert | NPNA00224 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain VII - Dungeon | NPNA00240 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain VIII - Garden | NPNA00229 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain X - Dark | NPNA00235 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain XI - Island | NPNA00238 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain XII - Storm | NPNA00248 | US | NOT FOUND |
Solbrain XIII - Wind | NPNA00246 | US | NOT FOUND |
SolitaireZero | NPPA00242 | JP | NOT FOUND |
SortJewel | NPPA00259 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Soulbrain II - Ruins | NPNA00206 | US | NOT FOUND |
SoundPuzzle | NPPA00335 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Space | NPNA00188 | US | NOT FOUND |
SpiderZero | NPPA00245 | JP | NOT FOUND |
SPIKE Says | NPOA00226 | EU | NOT FOUND |
SpinMaze | NPNA00266 | US | NOT FOUND |
Spinning Squares | NPNA00191 | US | NOT FOUND |
spirit level | NPPA00279 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Spirits of Elduurn | NPNA00292 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Squ-Mu -SQUARE MUSIC PUZZLE- The future of two step | NPPA00112 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Squ-Mu BrainClub 1st | NPPA00182 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Squ-Mu BrainClub 2nd | NPPA00206 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Squ-Mu BrainClub 3rd | NPPA00264 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Squirrel Run | NPOA00161 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Star Adventures | NPNA00223 | US | NOT FOUND |
Star Sabotage | NPNA00219 | US | NOT FOUND |
Star Sabotage 2 | NPNA00249 | US | NOT FOUND |
Star Sabotage 2.1 | NPNA00259 | US | NOT FOUND |
Star Sabotage Demo | NPNA00215 | US | NOT FOUND |
Star Sweeper | NPOA00262 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Steam Lands | NPNA00201 | US | NOT FOUND |
Still Life | NPOA00105 | EU | NOT FOUND |
StopWatch/Timer | NPPA00276 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Storm Ship Shiro | NPOA00189 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Street Run | NPNA00267 | US | NOT FOUND |
Stunt Park Infinity | NPNA00274 | US | NOT FOUND |
Subway Run | NPNA00173 | US | NOT FOUND |
Sudoku Fun | NPOA00166 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Sukelook | NPPA00126 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Super Blackout | NPNA00225 | US | NOT FOUND |
Super Brain Eat 3 | NPOA00107 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Super Crate Box | NPOA00013 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Super Duck! | NPOA00230 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Super Kart Mania | NPNA00270 | US | NOT FOUND |
Super Skull Smash GO! | NPOA00104 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Super Space Serpent | NPOA00280 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Super Sudoku | NPNA00186 | US | NOT FOUND |
Super Tank Poker | NPOA00137 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Surge | NPOA00028 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Switch Galaxy | NPOA00034 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Sword of Rapier | NPPA00124 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Tanks A Lot | NPNA00272 | US | NOT FOUND |
Ten By Eight | NPNA00124 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
The Call of the West by Thornbury Software | NPNA00280 | US | NOT FOUND |
The Cardboard Cat | NPPA00252 | JP | NOT FOUND |
The Crow | NPPA00314 | JP | NOT FOUND |
The Cube | NPOA00151 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
The Game Lab Project | NPNA00232 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
The Impossible Platformer | NPNA00277 | US | NOT FOUND |
The incredible physics puzzle - Episode: 1 | NPOA00232 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
The Labyrinth | NPNA00115 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
The Lost Kids | NPQA00107 | ASIA | NOT FOUND |
The Sexy Seashore | NPPA00108 | JP | NOT FOUND |
The Zombies Unleashed | NPNA00159 | US | NOT FOUND |
Tiki Rush: Escape from Lava Island | NPNA00146 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Tileogo | NPOA00117 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Tilt A-Maze | NPNA00285 | US | NOT FOUND |
Tobipen | NPPA00018 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Tobipen Fly | NPPA00210 | JP | NOT FOUND |
TonanAsiaKyo | NPPA00176 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Totem Topple | NPOA00260 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Touch Commando | NPNA00153 | US | NOT FOUND |
Touch speed fighter | NPPA00150 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Touch Treasure | NPOA00128 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Tower&Shooting2 | NPPA00215 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Tower&Sooting | NPPA00167 | JP | NOT FOUND |
Tractor Trails | NPOA00004 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Translate Helper | NPOA00153 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Tribute | NPOA00250 | EU | NOT FOUND |
TriCirSquare | NPOA00179 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Trolly Bird | NPNA00151 | US | NOT FOUND |
Trolly Fish | NPNA00179 | US | NOT FOUND |
Trucks and Skulls | NPNA00141 | US | NOT FOUND |
TryToSurvive | NPNA00212 | US | NOT FOUND |
tsgchat | NPNA00257 | US | NOT FOUND |
Tuffy the Corgi and the Tower of Bones | NPNA00177 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Twist Pilot | NPOA00003 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Underline | NPOA00015 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Vacation Vexation | NPNA00142 | US | CONTRIBUTED |
Vacc-Balls-Chin | NPPA00151 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Virtual Termial | NPNA00171 | US | NOT FOUND |
Visualize | NPNA00108 | US | NOT FOUND |
VitaBounce! | NPOA00115 | EU | NOT FOUND |
VoxelMaker | NPNA00254 | US | NOT FOUND |
Voyage of Kepler 186f | NPOA00271 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Warfare Shooter | NPNA00260 | US | NOT FOUND |
Warfare Shooter 2 | NPNA00281 | US | NOT FOUND |
Wing Warriors | NPOA00276 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Wipe! | NPPA00012 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Woodland Walker | NPNA00245 | US | NOT FOUND |
Word Blocked | NPOA00006 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
Yetin' Around - ¡Ay carámbano! | NPOA00237 | EU | NOT FOUND |
You Are The Ref | NPOA00019 | EU | NOT FOUND |
You Are The Umpire | NPOA00020 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Yule Log | NPNA00233 | US | NOT FOUND |
Yunama | NPPA00122 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
Zen Accumulator | NPNA00138 | US | NOT FOUND |
Zen Cat Simulator | NPOA00279 | EU | NOT FOUND |
Zombi hour | NPPA00195 | JP | NOT FOUND |
ZooZooGo! | NPOA00016 | EU | CONTRIBUTED |
きもだめし | NPPA00146 | JP | NOT FOUND |
どーもくん クッキーアイランド | NPPA00181 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
なりきり!アプリ スコープ | NPPA00209 | JP | NOT FOUND |
みるみら | NPPA00213 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
クルトン | NPPA00002 | JP | NOT FOUND |
クルトン | NPPA00011 | JP | NOT FOUND |
サンタの救いは、 | NPOA00219 | EU | NOT FOUND |
チャリ走DX | NPPA00132 | JP | NOT FOUND |
ナンプレ10000 | NPPA00013 | JP | NOT FOUND |
バグダス - デバッガー検定 - | NPPA00244 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
ユーフロリア | NPPA00004 | JP | NOT FOUND |
ラスプレ Last Precious | NPPA00014 | JP | NOT FOUND |
リュースのぼうけん | NPPA00266 | JP | NOT FOUND |
ヴァリアント・ドールズ | NPPA00277 | JP | NOT FOUND |
不思議の国のラビリンス | NPPA00129 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
加算器方式電卓 | NPPA00241 | JP | CONTRIBUTED |
妖精たちのまぜぐるみ工場 | NPPA00153 | JP | NOT FOUND |
巫女学校物語~沙苗編 | NPPA00107 | JP | NOT FOUND |
幽霊の棲む家 | NPPA00321 | JP | NOT FOUND |
怪物くん コイン王国 | NPPA00119 | JP | NOT FOUND |
笑ゥせぇるすまん 魔の巣で上海パズル | NPPA00114 | JP | NOT FOUND |
箱球 (はこだま) | NPPA00131 | JP | NOT FOUND |